#59 Don’t be evil. Don’t lose faith【59/500】Don’t be evil. Don’t lose faith 悪に染まってはいけない。信念を失わないこと0続きをよむ
#58 Once you know the simple steps, you can do it as many times as you want【58/500】Once you know the simple steps, you can do it as many times as you want. 一度簡単な手順が分かればそれは何度でもできる0続きをよむ
#55 We cannot learn without pain.But the learning will bring you blessings【55/500】We cannot learn without pain.But the learning will bring you blessings 痛みなくして人は学べない。しかしその痛みはあなたに恵みをもたらす。0続きをよむ
#56 If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough【56/500】If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough. もし夢が怖くないのなら、それはまだ大きな夢とは言えない0続きをよむ
#54 Nobody is perfect. Have a heart that forgives others【54/500】Nobody is perfect. Have a heart that forgives others. 完璧な人間はいない。他人を許す心を有せよ0続きをよむ
#52 Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood【52/500】Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. 人生において恐れるべきことは何もない。ただ受け入れるだけでいいのだ0続きをよむ
#50 Tolerance of diversity means allowing the voices of critics to be heard as well【50/500】Tolerance of diversity means allowing the voices of critics to be heard as well 多様性に寛容であるということは、批判する者の声にも耳を傾けるということ0続きをよむ