#112 I’ll take great care of those who spend time with you 【74/500】I'll take great care of those who spend time with you 一緒に過ごす人を大切にします0続きをよむ
#109 Dare to make others uncomfortable if necessary【71/500】Dare to make others uncomfortable if necessary 必要に応じて、あえて他人を不快にさせる0続きをよむ
# 107 If only I could see the world with the mind of a young child【69/500】作品一覧絵画作品If only I could see the world with the mind of a young child 幼い子供の心で世界を見ることができれば2023年4月19日0続きをよむ
#106 Your presence is everything【68/500】作品一覧絵画作品Your presence is everything あなたの存在がすべてです2023年4月19日0続きをよむ
#104 The Joy of Delivering Overflowing Thoughts【66/500】The Joy of Delivering Overflowing Thoughts 溢れる思いを届ける喜び0続きをよむ